Pure Comfort

Air Conditioning installation, servicing, and repair solutions for Brisbane-based home and commercial properties.

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Why use Aether Air?

With over 10 years of industry experience, our team will ensure your air-conditioner provides efficient and effective climate control throughout your home or business so you’ll breathe pure air all year round.

Service, Maintenance, & Repairs

  • Clean systems filters, evaporator/condenser coils, and fans to improve the quality of air and efficiency of the system.

  • Flush condensation drains to prevent blockages and leaking drains.

  • Test systems and controls to ensure they are operating as designed and identify any faults or issues within the system.

  • Provide thorough maintenance reports for both residential and commercial systems.

  • A variety of maintenance packages are available to suit your needs at home and the workplace.

  • Access to reliable parts suppliers for all major brands means we can get your air conditioning systems up and going as quickly and cost-effective as possible.


  • Supply and install of split system, ducted, cassette, and package systems.

  • Range of quality brands available to suit specific needs/applications and budgets.

  • Brands include Mitsubishi Electric, Daikin, Fujitsu, Actron, Panasonic, and Gree.

  • We also supply and install the Izone controller for ducted systems which comes with wi-fi control. This means you can control the system from your phone.

  • The Izone system also comes with individual sensors for each zone which gives you the ability to set different temperatures for rooms to meet comfort needs and make the system more energy efficient to run.

Sterile Aire

  • Uses UVC emitters to kill and prevent the build of mould and bacteria on the evaporator coil.

  • Suitable for Hospitals, Schools, Offices, and Homes.

  • Improves the energy running cost of the system and can be installed on new or retrofitted to existing systems.

What does ‘Aether’ mean?

In Greek tradition, there were three types of air. The poorest type of air was breathed in the underworld by foul creatures. The second type of air was breathed by mortals in the land of the living. The third and most pure type of air was breathed by the gods. It was this purest air that was controlled by the God, Aether.